What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy / Naturopathic Medicine is a traditional system of medicine originating in Europe and that is part of Traditional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM) around the world. 

Treatment is tailored to your individual needs and commonly incorporates herbal and botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, dietary and lifestyle advice.

Who Can Benefit from Naturopathy?

Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine can benefit individuals suffering from chronic conditions as well as those with acute illnesses. Using evidence-based natural medicines, treatments can be structured to work in conjunction with conventional therapy to improve your quality of life. The good news is you don’t even need to be sick to benefit from herbal medicine! There are many herbal remedies that are ‘tonics’ to the various organs and body systems. Taking these remedies can be an insurance policy to prevent future illnesses and to enhance your general health and vitality.


The Naturopathic Approach:


Is individualised and client-centred




USES THE LEAST INVASIVE & non toxic METHODS to treat disease


is holistic; Addressing physical, mental and emotional HEALTH

Principles of Naturopathic Medicine


Naturopathy is a holistic and inclusive system of care that targets the cause of your health concerns. When you see a naturopath, their work is governed by the 6 Principles of Naturopathy. These principles are listed below.

First, Do No Harm
(Primum non nocere)

Naturopathic physicians choose the most non-invasive and least toxic treatments necessary for each patient.

Identify and Treat the Causes
(Tolle causam)

Naturopaths seek to identify, address and assist to remove the underlying causes of disease.

Treat the Whole Person
(Tolle totum)

This is a holistic concept that recognizes the body as an integrated whole. Naturopaths treat the patient, not the disease. A naturopathic assessment addresses the nutritional status, lifestyle, family history, physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and social factors in a person’s life.

The Healing Power of Nature
(Vis medicatrix naturae)

Naturopaths recognize the body’s inherent ability to heal itself, given the right support and environment to do so.

Doctor as Teacher

Educating and supporting patients on personal health management is an important role for naturopathic physicians. They empower patients to take responsibility for their own health. They also acknowledge the therapeutic value inherent in the physician-patient relationship.


Naturopaths promote a focus on wellness, long term overall health and disease prevention.